Kiwi is an edible berry . The two main varieties of this fruit are : green and gold . The first one is the most widespread and it has dark brown hairy rind, bright green pulp and small black seeds which are arranged radially around the center of the fruit . The gold variety has a more elongated shape, its pulp is yellow and it has no hairy rind. There are also other varieties but they are not widespread as for example the kiwi with the red pulp and the kiwi with brick color rind.
Today Italy is the first producer in the world , mostly in Piedmont and Latium.
Kiwis of fresh quality can be found during the following months:
- GEN 1
- FEB 2
- MAR 3
- APR 4
- MAG 5
- GIU 6
- LUG 7
- AGO 8
- SET 9
- OTT 10
- NOV 11
- DIC 12
Nutritional information per 100g of edible part of uncooked kiwis
Energy(Kcal) |
69 |
Water |
80,5 |
Protein |
0,72 |
Carbohydrate |
18,1 |
Of which sugar |
15,4 |
Fat |
0,1 |
Cholesterol |
0 |
Fibre |
0,9 |
Sodium |
0,002 |
Vitamin C |
0,01 |
Calcium |
0,01 |
Magnesium |
0,007 |
Iron |
0,0003 |
The values are expressed in g . Sources : the database of food nutrition facts USDA ( United States Department of Agriculture ) and the Database of food composition INRAN .
The plant is native to southern China where it was grown 700 years ago for its fruit which was considered a delicacy for the Chinese emperors and its use was also ornamental .
At the beginning of the nineteenth century it was brought to England and in the twentieth century it was spread through intensive farming in New Zealand , where the plant found a quite favorable environment. Therefore its name comes precisely from the typical bird of New Zealand . At the end of the twentieth century it was spread in Europe and especially in Italy , where the brothers Bulletini of San Benedetto del Tronto imported the fruit first.
The kiwi is a fruit with beneficial qualities , that's the reason why it is recommended to eat one a day , it is a fruit rich in vitamin C , potassium , vitamin E , copper , iron and fiber . The high content of potassium and sodium poverty make the ideal fruit for athletes because it reduces the risk of cramps
Do you want a recipe for kiwi ? Oreegano , the most advanced community focused on the food , will help ….click here !